Photo: Izabella Englund
Photo: Izabella Englund
Photo: Izabella Englund
Textile, stuffing
Kungstensgatan 27, 2021
Possibly I belong to the last cohort that has memories of what life was like before the internet and mobile phones. At least I remember a childhood without them. I imagine the pace was slower then. But memories tend to be beautified over time and besides, I was just a child. It is difficult to say what it is that really shapes a person. Is it the environment, heritage or time in which she grows up? In a way, I consist of the shapes that I have stuffed into my mouth over the years. In the work ”Shaped II” I have sewn sculptures that reminds of Swedish half-fabricated food in geometrical shapes that I used to eat during the 90’s. I don’t think Swedish kids eat that nowadays when food is more a of life-style project than something that keeps you alive.